How to configure piece filenames

imgIn order to generate unique piece filenames for a set of pieces, GSplit uses a mask to determine the filename of each piece as described below. This will ensure that two pieces in a set do not have the same filename.

The mask is a sentence that contains variables quoted with brakets {} that are automatically replaced by GSplit with different values: for example, {num} will be replaced by the current piece number. Thus, MYPIE{num}.GSP becomes "MYPIE1.GSP" for the first piece, "MYPIE2.GSP" for the second piece...

Available variables and their values

  • {num} denotes the piece number. Most used.
  • {orf} denotes the filename of the original file. It does not contain any path information, just the file name like "INFO.DOC".
  • {ore} denotes the extension of the original file. If the selected file is "C:\FILES\DOC1.TXT" then the {ore} variable will be replaced by ".TXT" (the full stop is included!).
  • {ofw} denotes the filename of the original file without its extension. If the full path was "C:\BETA\MYDOC8.EXE", then the {ofw} variable will be changed into "MYDOC8". Please note that this variable should only be used with filenames that include a valid extension.
  • {oru} also denotes the piece number but in the following format: 001, 002, ..., 999. GSplit will put zeros in front of the piece numbers. This format is limited to 999 pieces only (while {num} does not have any restrictions), but the piece files will then appear ordered in Windows Explorer.

img The mask field must at least contain one of the following variables: {num} or {oru}.


Situation: GSplit is creating the first piece; the original file is "C:\MY DOCUMENTS\IMAGE1.BMP".

  • "disk{num}.gsd" will become "disk1.gsd"
  • "{orf}.{num}" will become "IMAGE1.BMP.1"
  • "{ofw}.{num}" will become "IMAGE1.1"
  • "{ofw}.{oru}" will become "IMAGE1.001"
  • "disk{oru}.gsd" will become "disk001.gsd"
  • "{ofw} num {num}.gsd" will become "IMAGE1 num 1.gsd"
  • "{ofw}_{oru}.gsd" will become "IMAGE1_001.gsd"
  • "{ofw}_{num}{ore}" will become "IMAGE1_1.BMP"

img GSplit provides you with this ability instead of working with the default "PIECE.001, PIECE.002 ... PIECE.999" format, even if you can still obtain the latter with this mask: PIECE.{oru}.

img The GSD extension is optional and not required by GUnite or Self-Uniting programs in order to recognize your piece files.