We are glad to release a new free subscription kit add-in for our Excel compiler software XLS Padlock.
The “subscription” model is similar to leasing, since the customer pays regularly in order to use the product. When the payment plan ends, the individual can not in fact access the software anymore. With XLS Padlock, it is now possible to use this model for Excel workbooks too.
In the previous WooCommerce Kit update, we already added support for subscriptions. But the drawback was that you needed a paid WooCommerce addon to use them.
A kit easy to install on your web server
To solve this issue, we made a new subscription kit which does not require any paid add-in. It is a pure PHP solution that will work on almost any web server. We do not require WooCommerce nor WordPress installation anymore. In fact, FastSpring, a solid e-commerce platform, provides the subscription and payment infrastructure.
Hence, our new FastSpring Subscription Kit is a free PHP application that you easily install on your website. It will be the link between FastSpring subscriptions and your Excel workbooks protected with XLS Padlock.
This lets you automate licensing of your compiled Excel spreadsheets. You can then get payments monthly through the subscription model. For example, if the subscription of a customer expires, the kit automatically blocks access to the workbook.
We chose to begin with FastSpring but, in the future, we may add more e-commerce platforms (depending on your requests).
Step-by-step installation guide for the subscription kit
As usual, our product comes with a full installation and explanation guide available online. Or you can download it in PDF format.
Last but not least, we offer this kit free of charge to all registered XLS Padlock users. You can download it at the usual address dedicated to registered users. Enjoy!
There are many negative reviews on FastSpring. Why did you choose such a platform that is called a scam?
Here is a link to some of the reviews: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/fastspring.com?languages=all
We have been using them for years, and they work as expected. But, we are also open for adding more subscription platforms. If you have suggestions, feel free to tell us.
It would be great to see XLS Padlock be utilized with SendOwl for online activation licensing and disruption of products.
Maybe in the future, your request is on our TODO list now, thank you.