Make icons from BMP, PNG, PSD, JPG, GIF

Convert images to icons with GConvert

Import your images (bitmap BMP, Adobe Photoshop™ PSD, Portable Network Graphic PNG, JPEG, GIF, cursor CUR, Macintosh ICNS files and more thanks to possible external plug-ins) and convert them into icons recognized by Windows; you can immediately create several icon images from a single source image.

Import picture 

Select a full image or only a part of it; define the size and color depth of your future icon image.

Icon image size   Icon image color depth 

Resizing and color conversion are automatically handled by GConvert. After that, you get a new icon ready to be manipulated or exported to an ICO file.

Resulting icon 

With Generate other images, you can create other icon images (32×32, 16×16…) in a snap:

New icon 

Finally it is possible to convert several images into icons in some clicks thanks to batch processing:

Batch create icons